
Showing posts from April, 2023

Tips and authors for parents to read.

Photo archive : 02/20/2022 Supplies: haunt the local resale shops. You can find almost anything when you look. Go in with an idea of what concept you want to work on. Stretch your imagination and see what you can find. Some in areas with alot of homeschoolers, will have actual manipulatives. From, board games to buttons, with a bit of an imagination it can work. If you are desperately short on cash, (think you are on food stamps and SSI) dried beans can be used to count and make pictures with. The dollar store has paper, pencils and crayons. Index cards are really good if there are no vision problems.  Pro tip - washable mats provide a limit of spread with matterials and with practice, a specific space for working. They can be used at a table or on the floor. If they are large, they can be sat on to promote healthy personal space boundaries. They can be spread on the ground outside, for kiddos that have allergies or textural aversion.  Reading suggestions and ratio...

communication driven art; art driven by desire


down days... home economics... life skills.

Pre-treating clothes.  A good life skill to learn at any age. 

sewing... really?

Sewing skills are vital for pretty much anyone. Teach hand sewing and machine sewing if you have one.  Mending damaged clothes and pillows, teaches responsibility and frugality. It  employs focus,  hand and eye coordination and motor planning.  Embroidery can activate and bring obsessive focus into new areas (Do you see the word U-Haul?). Use those obsessive fascinations to create, "islands of knowledge" and initiate flexible thinking. 

wild weather. life lessons.

Hail is dangerous and can damage both property and people. It comes in many sizes and shapes. Watching it melt shows the layers.  Opens up questions of weather, safety, science, gravity, temperature, and many other things. 

#asmallthankyou : Open letter to : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association

  Open letter to : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  You rock! Thank you for the resources and your valuable time and expertise.  Hillary's story: witnessed a cousin navigate the system and saw the need for barriers to be removed. So she became a brilliant librarian.  Passion: patron services and the ellimination of barriers. Desires:  *to see perspective shifts within systems,  *to eliminate barriers from the beginning, not as an after though,  *to have more opportunities to include people who are often unseen from the beginning so that they are part of the conversation and can have greater impact Hillary EMBODIES U.T.H.E.O.L. (Yo u  are T he H igher E ducation O f L ife) With much gratitude. Deaf Plus Homeschooling 

resource : Chrome extention for picture in Picture asl interpreter

SignUp - this is a Chrome extension that adds a picture-in-picture ASL interpreter to select Disney+ and Netflix videos, captions are also visible. Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

resource : Crom Saunders (Deaf Interpreter and actor)

Crom Saunders (Deaf Interpreter and actor)  : CromSaunders/videos Crom has a variety of literature—particularly poetry—translated into ASL with text Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

resource : Imagination Storybooks

Imagination Storybooks: Also has a landing page on the Described and Captioned Media Project (they have a subscription model, not sure how much they focus on older children) Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

Resource : ASL eBooks and Resources for Deaf Kids:

ASL eBooks and Resources for Deaf Kids :   ASL eBooks and Resources for Deaf Kids - Google Docs Another list categorized by age, also has some lesson plans and songs Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

resource : Deaf Education Library

Deaf Education Library:  deafedlibrary ( Detailed list of stories in ASL, organized by age group Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

Resource: Tina Childress Resource Page

Audiologist and Late-Deafened Adult, Tina Childress Resource Page : childress/links-related-to- hearing-loss-2663069     Search #storysigning and you’ll see a full list of resources Tina is also a fantastic resource for community connections and research in assistive technology Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

Resource : American Society for Deaf Children’s ASL Stories Directory

American Society for Deaf Children’s ASL Stories Directory : knowledge-center/asl- resources/sign-language- stories/ There is a “Ages 7,8 and up” section but this does overall skew to the younger side. They do have weekly updates, activities, and ways to connect Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

good progress

1:15 ish -3:30

Resource - ALA Connect : Bridging Deaf Cultures

ALA Connect , which is a communication platform for the ALA network and has some public groups that non-ALA members can interact with. To get an ALA Account that allows you to interact with public communities : cfm?Section=login&template=/ CustomSource/register/ register.cfm Bridging Deaf Cultures is a interest group of ALA that is a public community:  Bridging Deaf Cultures Interest Group | ALA Members Source : Hillary Pearson, American Library Association  As of 4/2023

what's a poet to do? -

Kiddo keeps handing me this book... When in the stacks do as the refrence librarian, Start a list. 

an update.

Yes you can homeschool a deaf and autistic child. Chronic intractable migrains... well more like chronic pain from a cystic mass in a bone behind his eye.  Conversations look weird but have a ton of meaning. Age appropriate words, ideas and concepts. Aspirational goals with solid foundations.  New tools! AAC training is as vital as ASL,  drawing, and handwriting. Retrospective images

testing : unconventional at best

Pain medication is a good thing. 

parent education : on reading

Read, read, read, read, read, read, and read some more. 


Interweave desired tasks with harder concepts. copy work - Constitution Vocabulary; printed in light gray to trace. Eliminates the need for hand over hand and improves confidence in writing ability. Shows correct language (English in this case) order and complex combinations of meaning. Exposure is key. 

archive to be uploaded as time allows.

February 16, 2022